Introduction: A case of a rare variety of cutaneous pseudo-lymphoma is reported.
Case report: A 13 Year-old boy presented with a nodule on the nose groove which corresponded histologically to a dense, peri follicular lymphocyte infiltration penetrating the hair. Following partial biopsy, the lesion disappeared within a fortnight.
Comments: Our case report corresponds to the entity described in 1999 in the Japanese. Our case occurred in a Caucasian French adolescent. The papulonodule, usually unique, is composed histologically of a dense, peripilary infiltrate that penetrates and disrupt the hair. The majority of cases have been removed surgically. Those that have not usually disappear following partial biopsy. The individualization of this entity is debatable: the involvement of the hair follicles by the infiltration of pseudolymphomas on the face is frequent and non-specific.