Despite legionellosis surveillance is active in Italy since many years, the disease notification appears still undervalued. A multicentric survey was carried out among 5 big Italian hospitals. It examined 11,435 discharge forms (1999-2001), reporting pneumonia diagnosis. Legionellosis (II class of notify system for infectious disease) was studied among pneumonia diagnosis by discharge forms. According to the ICD9-CM, there's no specific code for legionellosis (this disease is included among "others gram-negative pneumonia"). So the presumed pneumonia imputable to Legionella spp were the 2.7% of the whole number of analyzed discharge forms. Besides, the data regarding the other pneumonia showed that the etiological agent was specified only in the 11.2% of the case. This situation could be rectified both introducing adequate discharge forms codes and promoting the etiological diagnosis during the hospital stay.