Objective: To explore the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its risk factors in Guangdong province.
Methods: A questionnaire was used to screen IBS by face-to-face interviews according to Manning (modified including symptoms of constipation) and Rome II criteria. Random clustered sampling involving permanent inhabitants aged 18 - 80 years was carried out under stratification of urban and suburban areas. Potential risk factors were explored by comparing the frequencies among IBS group and non-IBS group using chi(2) and logistic analysis of multivariate adjusted for age and gender.
Results: A total of 4178 residents (male 1907, female 2271) were investigated. Mean age among the responders was (43 +/- 14) years. The response rate was 98%. The adjusted prevalence of IBS in Guangdong province is 5.67% according to the modified Rome II criteria, and is 11.50% according to Manning criteria. There is no difference between urban and suburban areas. The female was predominant in IBS, and the ratio of male to female was 1:1.25 (Rome II) and 1:1.34 (Manning). The age was poorly correlated with the prevalence. Events including history of analgesic use such as NSAID (OR = 3.83), history of food allergies (OR = 2.68), psychological distress (OR = 2.18), life events (OR = 1.89), history of dysentery (OR = 1.63) and negative coping style (OR = 1.28) are highly associated with IBS (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: IBS is a common disorder in Guangdong Province which deserves greater care and further investigation.