Ultrasound guided percutaneous antegrade pyelography (USPCAP) was performed in 6 cases between 1 month and 8 years age, presenting with obstructive uropathy. The procedure in this age group was characterized by (i) ease of performance without sedation in the neonates and with sedation in older children, and (ii) use of smaller needles and catheters. The procedure enabled delineation of the intimate anatomy of complicated urological abnormalities such as obstructed duplex system, primary megaureters, posterior urethral valves, prune belly syndrome, obstructive hydronephrosis and vesicoureteric reflux. Percutaneous renal puncture may be established rapidly using ultrasonic guidance in severely ill pediatric patients with obstructive uropathy. B-mode ultrasonography has proved to be rapid, accurate and free of radiation hazards, making it applicable to children with little or no sedation. Guided by ultrasound, percutaneous antegrade pyelography should be considered in the few, selected children with obstructive uropathy when the diagnosis is critical for management and difficult with the usual imaging procedures.