To comparably investigate hemotoxic potentials of CdCl2, cadmium-saturated metallothioneins-I (Cd-MT-I) and -II (Cd-MT-II), rats received single intravenous injections of one of those dissolved in saline with equivalent concentrations of Cd (0, 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0 mg Cd/kg body weight), and blood for hematological examinations was sampled at 1 and 5 days (Days 1 and 5) after the administrations. The counts of white blood cells showed dose-dependent increments in the 0.3 and 1.0 mg Cd/kg groups in Cd-MT-I and Cd-MT-II at Day 1, and returned to the normal levels at Day 5. The counts of platelets showed dose-dependent decrements in the three-doses groups of Cd-MT-I and Cd-MT-II at Day 1, and did a returning- and further increasing tendency at Day 5. The counts of red blood cells, values of hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, showed only slight and sporadic changes at Days 1 and 5. As to that thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis were dose-dependently brought by Cd-MTs and not by CdCl2, and as to that CdCl2 and Cd-MTs hardly affected erythrocytes regarding their counts, sizes, hemoglobin contents etc., etiological mechanism (s) remains to be explored. However, our findings should be clinically emphasized in relation to Itai-Itai disease and Cd-intoxication.