Background: The aim of the study was the evaluation of the effect of methohexital during chest tube removal (CTR) in neonates.
Methods: Evaluation was based on the degree of sedation (grades 1-4) and relaxation (grades 1-4) and trends in vital signs heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), oxygen saturation at time points (-10, -5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 5, and 10 min) before and after administration of methohexital. A multidimensional pain scale [Leuven Neonatal Pain Scale (LNPS)] was used to evaluate pain expression. Effective sedation and relaxation (grade >2) would enable the physician to perform CTR without difficulties. Paired Wilcoxon was used to compare vital signs and pain expression before and after the procedure.
Results: Twenty-two procedures in 22 infants were recorded. Eleven infants were ventilated and 21 infants were having intravenous analgesics during CTR. Birth weight was 2645 g (range 1235-4500 g). Postnatal age was 6 days (range 1-80 days). Methohexital had no effect on ventilatory weaning, MAP or oxygen saturation. Heart rate increased from 144 (49) to 162 (43) (P = 0.012) b.min(-1). Sedation and relaxation were effective (>grade 2) and lasted for <5 min. No major side effects were documented. Adequate analgesia by LNPS was more difficult to evaluate as clinical pain evaluation was not feasible during full muscular relaxation.
Conclusions: Administration of methohexital for CTR resulted in adequate sedation and relaxation without major side effects in neonates. This approach should be compared with other strategies.