Background/aims: Hepatoma arising in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic livers might have different virological and clinical factors in hepatitis B virus carriers. This study was performed to elucidate the correlation between hepatitis B virus genotypes and clinical characteristics of patients with cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic hepatoma.
Methodology: One hundred and fifty-five hepatitis B virus carriers who received hepatic resection for hepatoma were investigated to determine hepatitis B virus genotypes and clinical features.
Results: Of 155 patients, 84 were genotype B infection, and 67 genotype C. Compared to genotype C carriers, genotype B analogs had a significantly lower rate of liver cirrhosis (p=0.005), lower hepatitis B e antigen positive rates (p=0.0008), and lower fibrosis scores (p=0.003). In comparison to cirrhotic hepatoma patients, non-cirrhotic counterparts were younger (p=0.041), had a higher platelet count (p<0.001), lower hepatitis B e antigen positive rates (p=0.023), predominantly genotype B (p=0.005), lower inflammation scores (p<0.001). Using multivariate analysis, non-cirrhotic hepatoma was associated with genotype B infection (OR=2.85, 95% CI=1.44-5.64) and younger age (OR=0.967, 95% CI=0.94-0.99) in hepatitis B virus carriers.
Conclusions: Our study suggested that hepatitis B virus genotype B infection might be an important factor for non-cirrhotic hepatoma.