Objective: To improve hypertension management in peritoneal dialysis patients through CQI process.
Methods: Using the 4-step problem-solving framework called the PDCA cycle-plan, do, check and act, we conducted a CQI program.
Results: One hundred and forty-five peritoneal dialysis patients dialyzed for more than 3 months participated in the study. In 49 prevalent patients, the incidence of uncontrolled hypertension (BP>or=140/90 mm Hg 1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa) decreased from 49% to 16.3% although there were no significant changes in antihypertensive medication and total fluid removal. The incidence of uncontrolled hypertension in incident patients decreased from 61.3% to 28%. Height normalized extracellular water decreased significantly. In males it was from (10.8+/-1.4) kg/m to (10.3+/-1.7) kg/m and in females (9.6+/-1.2) kg/m to (8.6+/-1.2) kg/m.
Conclusion: CQI is a useful method in the management of hypertension in peritoneal dialysis patients.