A feasibility study was undertaken to assess the suitability of South African rural villages due to be electrified, for the purposes of undertaking a large-scale study of the impact of reductions in indoor air pollution on acute lower respiratory infections. As part of the feasibility study, quantitative assessments of indoor air pollution in non-electrified and electrified dwellings were performed. Concurrent measurements were made of levels of respirable particulate matter (RSP-stationary), and carbon monoxide (CO) (personal on children <18 months), as well as a stationary co-located with RSP) over a 24-h period in 52 un-electrified and 53 electrified dwellings. The proportion of dwellings with a detectable 24-h concentration of RSP was significantly higher in un-electrified (48.1%) than electrified dwellings (24.5%) (chi(2) = 6.30 on 1 d.f., P = 0.012). In addition a Kruskal-Wallis test (adjusted for ties) showed that the distribution of RSP differed between un-electrified and electrified areas (Kruskal-Wallis chi(2) = 8.20 on 1 d.f., P = 0.014). In those dwellings where some RSP was detected, the amount was on average higher in the un-electrified areas (mean 162 microg/m(3), median 107 microg/m(3)) than in the electrified areas (mean 77 microg/m(3), median 37.5 microg/m(3)). Stationary (kitchen CO) levels in un-electrified dwellings ranged from 0.36 to 20.95 p.p.m. However, in electrified dwellings, kitchen levels ranged from 0 to 11.8 p.p.m. When mean concentrations of CO were compared between electrified and un-electrified dwellings using a two-sample t-test (on log-transformed data), there was overwhelming evidence (P = 0.0004) that the mean level of log (CO) in the kitchen was higher in the un-electrified areas (1.25 vs. 0.69) and also overwhelming evidence (P < 0.0001) that the mean level of log (CO) on the child was higher in the un-electrified areas (0.83 vs. 0.34). Of importance in terms of both policy and for a potential future large-scale study, is that measurable significant differences in indoor pollutants between electrified and un-electrified dwellings during summer were found in spite of only partial transition to electricity use for cooking in electrified villages.
Practical implications: It is estimated that at least two-thirds of all households in the developing world are still primary dependent on biomass fuels and coal. This situation applies to 59% of rural households in South Africa. In the last decade a program of providing electricity to three million homes has been underway in South Africa. Among others this intervention aims to reduce exposure to pollutants from burning biomass fuels and reduce detrimental health effects, especially in young children. This study provides scientific evidence that electrified homes in South African villages have lower levels of air pollution (RSP and CO) relative to their non-electrified counterparts.