There are many reasons of eating disorders among young people. The goal of our research was to determine factors related with poor nutritional habits in the group of 385 students of various departments of Bydgoszcz Medical Academy. The research was carried on with the help of a questionnaire regarding eating habits (EAT26) and a second questionnaire by Starzyńska, implicating the score of daily menu. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated for all of the probed students. Eating disorder predispositions appeared in the group of 48 persons (12.4% of studied population), among them were 32 women and 1 man. An underweight (BMI < 18.5)--13 persons, overweight (25 < BMI < 29.9)--5 persons and BMI within normal limits--30 persons. More than a half of probed students were terrified by the reflection of being overweighted. Some other had like eating attacks and vomitings after eating (14 persons). A valuation of a probed persons diet indicates many nutritional habit faults.