Symmetric somatic hybrid plants between Gossypium hirsutum Coker 201 and G. klotzschianum were obtained through electrofusion. The fusion products were cultured in KM8P medium supplemented with 2.685 microM alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid and 0.465 microM kinetin, and the regenerated plants were morphologically, genetically, and cytologically characterized. Nuclear-DNA flow cytometric analysis revealed that the plants tested (31 of 40) had a relative DNA content close to the total DNA contents of the two parents. Subsequent genome DNA analysis using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers revealed 16 of 18 plants were true somatic hybrids. Cytological investigation of the metaphase root-tip cells of seven hybrids revealed there were 72-81 chromosomes in the hybrids, a value close to the expected 78 chromosomes. The morphology of the hybrids was distinct from that of the parents and from that of the regenerants from protoplasts of Coker 201. Somatic hybridization represents a potent and novel tool for transferring genomes of wild cottons containing economically important traits to cultivars in breeding programs. This is the first report on the regeneration of somatic hybrids via protoplast fusion in cotton.
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