Mammalian reoviruses are non-enveloped viruses that contain a segmented, double-stranded RNA genome. Reoviruses infect most mammalian species, although infection with these viruses in humans is usually asymptomatic. We report the isolation of a novel reovirus strain from a 6.5-week-old child with meningitis. Hemagglutination and neutralization assays indicated that the isolate is a serotype 3 strain, leading to the designation T3/Human/Colorado/1996 (T3C/96). Sequence analysis of the T3C/96 S1 gene segment, which encodes the viral attachment protein, sigma 1, confirmed the serotype assignment for this strain and indicated that T3C/96 is a novel reovirus isolate. T3C/96 is capable of systemic spread in newborn mice after peroral inoculation and produces lethal encephalitis. These results suggest that serotype 3 reoviruses can cause meningitis in humans.