Aims/hypothesis: Type 2 diabetes is a complex disorder with strong heritability. The aim of our study was to investigate whether common polymorphisms in the genes regulating the early insulin signalling pathway (insulin; A-23T, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor [IGF-1R]; GAG1013GAA, plasma cell membrane glycoprotein 1 [PC-1]; K121Q, insulin receptor substrate [IRS-1]; G972R, insulin receptor substrate 2 [IRS-2]; G1057D and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p85 alpha [PI3K]; M326I) affect the weight change and development of Type 2 diabetes in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study.
Methods: We screened for the polymorphisms in 490 overweight subjects with impaired glucose tolerance whose DNA was available from the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study. These subjects were randomly allocated into a control group and an intervention group characterised by intensive, individualised diet and exercise.
Results: In carriers of the GAA1013GAA genotype of IGF-1R, the R972 allele of IRS-1 and the D1057D genotype of IRS-2, lifestyle intervention did not lead to significant differences in weight loss between the intervention and control groups, implying a role of these risk genotypes in the regulation of body weight. We observed a statistically significant difference in the conversion rate from IGT to diabetes between the genotypes of the IGF-1R gene (GAG1013GAG: 18.6%, GAG1013GAA: 10.4%, GAA1013GAA: 19.5%, p=0.033). Common polymorphisms in the insulin, PC-1 and PI3K genes did not regulate weight change or conversion to diabetes.
Conclusions/interpretation: The common polymorphisms of the IGF-1R, IRS-1 and IRS-2 genes may modify the weight change response to a lifestyle intervention but not the conversion from IGT to Type 2 diabetes, whereas IGF-1R may also regulate the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.