We have previously reported a quantitative trait locus associated with pressure-independent cardiac hypertrophy in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) of the Okamoto strain. This locus (Lvm1; left ventricular mass locus 1) contains the gene Fgf2 that codes for the potent cardiac growth factor, Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2). Given that FGF2 appears essential for the induction of certain forms of cardiac hypertrophy in the rat, we proposed this gene as a candidate for the cardiac enlargement seen in the SHR. Previous reports of elevated FGF2 mRNA levels in the SHR, led us to hypothesise that nucleotide sequence variations occurring in the coding regions or in putative transcriptional factor binding sites within the Fgf2 promoter might play a role in cardiac hypertrophy in this strain. Given that we have also recently derived from the SHR a rat strain that develops spontaneous cardiac hypertrophy in the absence of hypertension (the Hypertrophic Heart Rat; HHR), we also took the opportunity to examine the sequence of its Fgf2 promoter and coding region. However, extensive sequence analysis of the promoter and coding regions of the SHR and HHR Fgf2 genes failed to reveal any nucleotide variations between strains. Thus, we conclude that variations in the nucleotide sequence of the promoter and coding region of the SHR Fgf2 gene do not play a role in the cardiac hypertrophy of the SHR and HHR strains.