This investigation compared percent fat obtained via underwater weighing using measured and predicted residual lung volume (RLV) in euhydrated and hypohydrated collegiate wrestlers (N = 67). RLV was measured using O(2) rebreathing or O(2) dilution and predicted using 3 equations-Equation 1: (0.019 x height [cm]) + (0.0115 x age [years]) - 2.24; Equation 2: (0.017 x age [years]) + (0.06858 x height [in.]) - 3.477; and Equation 3: (0.0275 age [years]) + (0.0189 height [cm]) - 2.6139. Percent fat determined using RLV Equation 2 did not differ from the value obtained using measured RLV in the euhydrated (10.9 +/- 5.1 vs. 11.5 +/- 5.6% fat) or hypohydrated (10.8 +/- 5.1 vs. 12.3 +/- 5.6% fat) trials. All other percent fat values differed (p < 0.05) from the value obtained using measured RLV in euhydrated subjects. The use of RLV Equation 2 may be a practical alternative to measured RLV in determining percent fat in euhydrated and hypohydrated collegiate wrestlers.