One of the challenges of manipulating genes in primary cells is that the cells have a finite proliferation capacity. This, combined with the lower gene targeting efficiency of somatic cells, makes identification of targeted clones very difficult. The objective of this study was to establish a system that allows porcine foetal fibroblasts to reach their maximal proliferation capacity in vitro. The influence of fibroblast origin, stage of foetal development, cell seeding densities and concentration of foetal bovine serum (FBS) on the population doublings, the percentage of beta-galactosidase-activity-positive cells and the genome stability of foetal fibroblasts during in vitro culture was investigated. It was found that porcine foetal fibroblasts could be cultured for over 80 population doublings in the appropriate culture system. Fibroblasts from earlier stages of foetal development were better candidate cells than those from the later stages. Cells from the heart were more actively proliferative and more resistant to replicative senescence than those from the liver. Compared to 10% FBS content, 15% FBS provided better homeostatic support, not only to proliferative performance, but also in maintaining a normal karyotype. In addition, the proliferative life span of porcine foetal fibroblasts is also dependent on seeding density of the culture.