A 35-year-old man sustained a steering wheel injury in a motor vehicle accident. Initial electrocardiography showed ST-segment elevation. Coronary angiography revealed a dissection of the right coronary artery and perfusion delay in the left anterior descending artery. Coronary stents were inserted into the left anterior descending artery. One month later, coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasonography showed that the dissection of the right coronary artery was still present. Coronary stents were inserted from the aorto-ostial lesion to the mid portion of the right coronary artery. Six months later, coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasonography revealed diffuse neointimal hyperplasia inside all of the stents, and the aorto-ostial stent had severe stenosis with perfusion delay. Severe neointimal hyperplasia was found inside the stents used for repair of the coronary artery dissection.