This work describes the nature and sequence information content of the electron capture dissociation mass spectra for the intact Tetrahymena histone H2B. Two major variants of this protein were present bearing nominal modifications of both +42 and +84 Da. This work describes identification of the nature of these two modifications. For example, using gas-phase selection and isolation of the +42-Da modified species, from a background of two H2B variants each present in six or more posttranslationally modified isoforms, we were able to determine that this +42-Da modification isoform bears trimethylation rather than acetylation. LC-CIDMS analysis was also employed on digested preparations to obtain complementary detail of the nature of site-specific posttranslational modifications. This study establishes that integration of the information from these two datasets provides a comprehensive map of posttranslational occupancy for each particular covalent assemblage selected for structural investigation.