Goals: The objective of this paper was to present nutrients for bone health along with traditional foods and new foods that can provide the adequate amount of such nutrients.
Background: Although bone mass and density are certainly determined by various concurrent factors such as genetics, hormones, physical activity, and nutrition, and although the genetic program has a critical role in growth and in bone peak development, for their realization an adequate nutritional intake of nutrients is always necessary and may represent a way to prevent bone diseases.
Methods: The authors collected scientific data about new possible foods containing potential nutrients for bone health besides milk, dairy products, and supplementation in tablets.
Results: There is much scientific evidence that calcium-rich mineral water, functional foods, soy products derived phytoestrogens, fortified foods, and vitamins K and E may play a important nutritional role in skeletal health.
Conclusion: Currently, it is possible to provide required bone nutrient intake for bone health in population subgroups intolerant or allergic to lactose and in those individuals who need a controlled intake of calories.