Background: Because capsule endoscopy is a relatively new technique, the indications, the contraindications, and the complications of the procedure have not been fully delineated. The present study was undertaken to determine the utility and the safety of capsule endoscopy in patients who have undergone small-bowel resection.
Methods: Ten patients (mean age 48.5 [8.4] years) were included in the study. Eight had undergone surgical resection for Crohn's disease and two for malignancy. Indications for capsule endoscopy included suspected relapse of Crohn's disease or of malignancy, with a negative conventional evaluation that included barium contrast radiography, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, US, CT, and push enteroscopy. Capsule endoscopy was performed in the standard fashion.
Observations: No side effects were observed in any patient. Natural excretion of the capsule was reported at a mean of 72 hours. In 7 patients (70%), capsule endoscopy revealed recurrence of disease in the small bowel: one recurrent malignancy, 6 recurrent Crohn's disease. The information gained was helpful with respect to further treatment for all of these patients.
Conclusions: Capsule endoscopy is safe and effective in the evaluation of patients who have undergone surgical resection of the small bowel for benign or malignant disease.