Sclerotherapy with absolute ethanol and/or polidocanol is a well-established therapeutic modality for the treatment of peripheral vascular malformations, although systemic complications such as hemoglobinuria and pulmonary embolism could occur. We report two cases of pulmonary embolism associated with sclerotherapy for peripheral vascular malformations. Two patients, a 17-year-old man and a 17-year-old woman, undergoing absolute ethanol sclerotherapy for vascular malformations of the leg developed pulmonary embolism after injection of ethanol. Pulmonary embolism, suspected by the clinical symptoms such as hypoxia and hypocapnia, was confirmed by the pulmonary scintigraphy showing minimal pulmonary defects. Hemoglobinuria was also observed with injection of ethanol. Patients recovered rapidly with heparin and urokinase therapy. The review of perioperative complications with sclerotherapy for peripheral vascular malformations in our institution for past four years revealed that complications were observed in 18 out of 88 patients (20.5%), and in 32 out of 183 cases (17.5%). Major complications were hemoglobinuria, pulmonary embolism, shivering and delayed emergence from general anesthesia. We conclude that sclerotherapy for vascular malformations under general anesthesia is a risky procedure and this must be carefully managed with keen monitoring of Spo2 and Etco2.