A 33 year-old-man presented recurrent syncopal episodes after venipuncture. This was sometimes associated with seizure. It was also noted that the syncope was aroused by mental stress. The patient was admitted to the department of neurological medicine because of epilepsy. Cardiac arrest of more than 15 seconds was detected during the venipuncture-prooshed syncope test. He had normal routine testing, holter monitoring, head CT scan, carotid sinus massage, valsalva maneuver etc. The syncope was similar to a malignant vasovagal one which has no typical warning signs. He had recurrent syncopal episodes without typical prodrome. Therefore a DDD pacemaker was implanted. It has not been completely established as effective in the treatment of vasovagal syncope, but for the treatment of syncope involving cardioinhibitory action, dual chamber pacing in considered as the main treatment available.