Aim of study: The authors present the view of possible usage of tumour markers in epithelial ovarian cancer, and they aim at their use in routine clinic practice.
Type of study: Review article.
Setting: Oncology and Radio-Therapeutic Department, Faculty Hospital, Pilsen. SUBJECT AND METHODS OF THE STUDY: Summary of data published in Czech and foreign professional literature.
Conclusion: In case of epithelium tumours of ovaries, CA 125 is the tumour marker of the first choice. For the reason of low sensitivity, it is not possible to use the tumor markers for screening and primary diagnostics. Regarding prognoses, high pre-operational levels of CA 125 are considered unfavourable. At the same time the study demonstrates that CA 125 levels monitoring in the course of chemotherapy appears to be one of the most significant indicators of chemotherapy effects and, therefore, also of prognoses. Regular CA 125 monitoring in the course of follow up can contribute to early detection of tumour disease relapses. The optimal time interval for monitoring seems to be three months for the period of the first two years, and then six-month interval. Other tumour markers used in routine clinic practice are mainly CA 19-9 and CA 72-4, particularly in case of mucinoid epithelium tumours. However, these markers are of subsidiary importance only.