Objective: To discuss the method of extracting nucleic acid from rat's hair.
Method: The method with PCR buffer, SDS-proteinase K or Chelex-100 were used to extract the nucleic acid from rat's hair separately, and the isolated nucleic acid was analyzed by PCR and electrophoresis.
Result: The success rate of antracting mt DNA from the hair gollcle, we gound the method with SDS-prot einase kis lower than the ather two methods (chi1(2) = 42.421, chi2(2) = 28.800, P<0.01). This is same as the result ot entracting nuclear DNA (chi1(2) = 49.091, chi2(2) = 30.767, P<0.01). While no alifference has been bound between the method with PCR buffer and with chelex-100 (mtDNA: chi(2) = 0.296; nuclear DNA: chi(2) = 0.048, P>0.05). The method with PCR buffer can't extract nucleic acid from hair shafts, the method with SDS-proteinase K can't extract mtDNA from one or two hairs, the method with Chelex-100 can extract mtDNA and nuclear DNA from single rat's hair or hair shafts.
Conclusion: The method with Chelex-100 is suitable for extracting nucleic acid from hair.