Background/aims: We sought to characterize a novel adsorbent polymer in terms of cytokine removal.
Methods: We challenged 50 rats with lipopolysaccharide to obtain cytokine-rich blood and circulated this through cartridges containing polymer. In separate experiments, cell-free supernatants were passed through cartridges containing polymer. We measured tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 10 and interleukin 6 concentrations under a variety of conditions to evaluate adsorption kinetics.
Results: All three cytokines were rapidly removed from the blood with less than 50% of the initial concentrations present after 1 h of circulation through the cartridge. There was no significant difference in the effect across a range of blood flows and Ca2+ concentrations. Adsorption was decreased somewhat by extremely low temperature (4 degrees C).
Conclusion: The adsorbent polymer removes cytokines with high efficiency, and binding is relatively unaffected by a variety of physical conditions.