We have developed a binary T-DNA vector, pGA2717, that contains the promoter-less beta-glucuronidase (gus) gene adjacent to the right border and the promoter-less green fluorescence protein (gfp) gene next to the left border of the T-DNA. Therefore, inserting T-DNA into a gene can result in the activation of either gus or gfp. A total of 12 169 T-DNA insertional lines of japonica rice were generated using this binary vector. Out of 3140 lines examined, 0.5% of their mature seeds and 2.0% of the 3-day-old etiolated seedlings were GFP-positive. However, GUS assays of the same materials resulted in the identification of 151 (4.8%) GUS-positive lines. Using DNA gel blot and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analyses, we confirmed that the GFP-positive lines were a true indication of gene trapping. A fusion transcript was also obtained between gfp and the trapped gene. We isolated 990 genomic sequences flanking T-DNA from our analysis of 2099 transgenic plants. Among the insertions, 625 T-DNAs were integrated into genic regions; 361 were located in intergenic regions. These tagging lines will be valuable in trapping and studying various genes for their expression patterns, as well as providing a useful tool for genetic approaches.