Background: It has been reported that p38 and c-jun operate as mediators of cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, by studying the roles of c-jun and p38 in the proliferation and differentiation of normal human endometrial cells, we can better understand the mechanism of these processes in endometrial cells.
Methods: Separation of glandular and stromal components was based on a modification of the work of Satyaswaroop et al. To confirm the purification of the endometrial cells and the expression of the transfected SV40 large T antigen, immunocytochemical analysis and western blot analysis were performed.
Results: There were polygonal shapes in the stromal cells in the early passage 1-2, while the aged endometrial stromal cells were spindle shaped. To investigate passage-dependent molecular events in endometrial cells, the c-jun and pp38 levels were examined. Both c-jun and pp38 were significantly reduced with cellular aging and passages. To understand the role of c-jun, endometrial stromal cells were treated with SP600125 which is a specific inhibitor of c-jun. SP600125 induced morphological changes of young endometrial stromal cells with polygonal shape; the young cells appeared as aged endometrial cells with spindle shape. In addition, an immortalized endometrial cell line was established and shown to express activated c-jun, similiar to normal endometrial cells.
Conclusions: These results suggest that the modulation of p38 and c-jun may play an important role in the differentiation and proliferation of human endometrial cells.