A 50-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with the chief complaints of vomiting and nocturnal cough for one year. His complaints were progressive and had worsened within the last two months. Chest X-ray revealed a right-sided paracardiac opacity. Computed tomography of the thorax showed a supradiaphragmatic mass lesion containing air and solid components. Barium esophagogram revealed a giant distal esophageal diverticulum and hiatal hernia. Stationary manometric examination of the esophagus showed non-specific esophageal motility disorder. The patient underwent a successful abdominal approach diverticulectomy operation and the postoperative course was uncomplicated. There is a high prevalence of esophageal motility abnormalities in patients with epiphrenic diverticula, though they are very rare, and, as in this case, may be difficult to classify.