Peritoneal and ovarian endometriosis are anatomically highly polymorphous and can give rise to pain and sterility. Endometriosis can be recognized and evaluated by means of laparoscopy and an appropriate therapeutic strategy determined. Surgical laparoscopy using lasers (CO2, KTP and argon) produces excellent results. More than 80% of cases can be treated by coelioscopy, bearing in mind that severe endometriosis can require classic surgery and remains difficult to perform. However, one basic idea should not be forgotten, ie, that endometriosis is a progressive disease. Restoration of anatomic pelvic integrity (with free pouch of Douglas, mobility of appendages and functional ovaries) is the only guarantee of good fertility, achievable by interruption of progression of the disease. Following therapeutic trials with danazol, norsteroidal progestagens, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists have opened up wide perspectives for use and we use them in combination with coeliac surgery. Our experience has paralleled that of Donnez and Bruhat, with almost identical results.