The purpose of the present clinical study was (1) to evaluate the Osstell as a diagnostic tool capable of differentiating between stable and mobile ITI implants, (2) to evaluate a cut-off threshold implant stability quotient (ISQ) value obtained at implant placement (ISQitv) that might be predictive of osseointegration, (3) to compare the predictive ISQitv of immediately loaded (IL) implants and implants loaded after 3 months (DL). Two patient groups were enrolled, 18 patients received 63 IL implants and 18 patients were treated with 43 DL implants. The ISQ was recorded at implant placement, after 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks. All implants passed the 1-year loading control. Two implants failed, one DL implant with ISQ at placement (ISQi) of 48 and one IL implant with ISQi of 53. The resonance-frequency analysis (RFA) method was not a reliable diagnostic tool to identify mobile implants. However, implant stability could be reliably determined for implants displaying an ISQ> or =47. After 1 year of loading, all DL implants with an ISQi> or =49 and all IL implants with an ISQi> or =54 achieved and maintained osseointegration. By the end of 3 months, implants with ISQi<60 had an increase of stability. Implants with ISQi 60-69 had their stability decrease during 8 weeks before returning to their initial values. Implants with ISQ>69 had their stability decrease during the first 4 weeks before remaining stable. Although preliminary, these data might orient the practitioner to choose among various loading protocols and to selectively monitor implants during the healing phase.