Objectives: The practice of Urology in our country has a long tradition, as demonstrated by several treaties of surgery from the Renaissance; it was the end of the XIX century when the scientific basis of the speciality were established separate from Surgery, as some authors demonstrated, with the notorious contribution of Prof. Rafael Mollá Rodrigo. Dr. Nicasio Benlloch Giner (1888-1957) did the same at the beginning of the XX century when he came back from the professional school of George Marion, contributing to the consolidation of this speciality.
Methods: We reconstructed his biography and analyzed all his bibliography, both in regional and national journals.
Results: According to Nicasio Benlloch, renal lithiasis and its treatment were under controversy. Renal lithiasis might demand three indications: nephrectomy, pyelolithectomy and nephrolithectomy. In his chapter on intravenous pyelography he describes its absolute and relative indications. In his work about urinary catheterization and endoscopy he describes in detail the exploratory catheterization of urethra, bladder, and ureters, as well as the catheterization for evacuation and dilatation, and the most frequently used instruments. Finally, he talks about the benefits of endoscopic resection for bladder neck diseases and describes a resectoscope.
Conclusions: Dr. Nicasio Benlloch contributes with his works to the consolidation of Urology as a speciality in Valencia, mainly in the field of lithiasis, a topic in which his works were fundamental.