Comparison of the (17)O NMR spectra of zeolites LTA and LSX

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson. 2004 Nov-Dec;26(3-4):153-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ssnmr.2004.03.004.


17O NMR studies of various cation-exchanged LTA and LSX zeolites have shown similarities between the two systems. LSX samples containing divalent cations contain resonances with similar chemical shifts to those previously assigned to 'bare' framework oxygen atoms in Ca-LTA and Sr-LTA. The assignments are consistent with the trends seen in the spectra of monovalent cation-containing LSX and LTA zeolites, which show an increase in the average chemical shift with increasing cationic radius. The spectrum of Li-LSX, like Na-LSX, can be assigned based on the T-O-T bond angles. Gas sorption studies on Li-LSX are used to help identify the framework oxygen atoms that form the beta-cages and demonstrate the sensitivity of the (17)O shifts to gas loading.