Background: Iron accumulates imperceptibly over time in adults because intake exceeds loss and because no physiologic mechanism exists for excreting levels that may be toxic. Levels of stored iron represented by the serum ferritin concentration have been implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular (and other) diseases, but the role of such stored iron remains controversial. Our hypothesis was that reduction in body iron stores to levels typical of children and premenopausal women (corresponding to ferritin levels of approximately 25 ng/mL) would alter morbidity and mortality rates in patients with advanced peripheral vascular disease.
Methods and results: A randomized, single-blinded, clinical trial of graded reduction of iron stores by controlled phlebotomy was undertaken in patients with advanced peripheral vascular disease. Details of implementation of the protocol for testing this unusual experimental intervention are reported.
Conclusions: A methodology is described for testing the concept that reduction of body iron stores (while avoiding iron deficiency) may alter disease outcomes. This methodology appears to be suitable for further testing to determine whether levels of iron stores presumed to be pathologic contribute to disease initiation or progression.