The frequency and degree of visualization of medullary pyramids in a normal population, aged 10-29 years, was analyzed. Hypoechoic pyramids were visualized in 42% of right kidneys in subjects aged 10-18 years and in 27% of subjects aged 19-29 years. Prominently hypoechoic pyramids, mimicking the appearance of neonatal kidneys, were seen in an additional 34% of subjects aged 10-18 years and in 16% aged 19-29 years. Prominent pyramids were present in 50% of subjects with renal cortical echogenicity (RCE) equal to liver, but also in 21% of subjects with RCE less than liver. Our study expands the age at which prominently hypoechoic medullary pyramids can be considered a normal finding. This may relate to recent improvements in ultrasound technology.