A series of 123 patients with histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) with satisfactory colposcopy were treated with outpatient laser excision of the transformation zone. Punch biopsy and/or endocervical curettage proved CIN III in 111 patients (90%). Histology of the laser excision specimen showed microinvasive disease in 3 patients. Operative hemorrhage occurred in 2 patients. The follow-up ranged from 12 to 59 months (median, 30 months). Four patients were found to have residual/recurrent CIN during the observation period, resulting in a cure rate of 97%. All patients with recurrence are free of disease after a second laser treatment. Only 1 patient out of 26 with involved resection margins relapsed. Laser excision of the transformation zone is proposed as a suitable replacement for laser vaporization in patients with CIN with satisfactory colposcopy, offering the major advantage of providing a histological specimen without an increase in morbidity.