Most site-specific recombinases can be grouped into two mechanistically distinct families. Whereas tyrosine recombinases exchange DNA strands through a Holliday intermediate, serine recombinases such as Hin generate double-strand breaks in each recombining partner. Here, site-directed protein crosslinking is used to elucidate the configuration of protein subunits and DNA within the Hin synaptic complex and to follow the movement of protein subunits during DNA strand exchange. Our results show that the protein interface mediating synapsis is localized to a region within the catalytic domains, thereby positioning the DNA strands on the outside of the Hin tetrameric complex. Unexpected crosslinks between residues within the dimerization helices provide evidence for a conformational change that accompanies DNA cleavage. We demonstrate that the Hin subunits, which are linked to the cleaved DNA ends by serine-phosphodiester bonds, translocate between synapsed dimers to exchange the DNA strands.