Background: The impact of HLA-specific antibodies is not well established in the acute rejection of lung allografts. Acute rejection represents the most important risk factor for the development of chronic lung allograft dysfunction.
Methods: We analyzed the pattern of HLA antibodies before and after transplantation in 54 patients, and correlated our data with the presence and frequency of high-grade and persistent-recurrent acute rejection, during the first 18 post-operative months. The diagnosis of acute rejection was based on histologic International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT)-published criteria.
Results: Ten of 54 patients had a positive enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) post-transplantation. In 90% of ELISA-positive patients, the presence of HLA antibodies was associated with persistent-recurrent acute rejections, compared with 34% in the ELISA-negative group (p < 0.005). There were 28 high-grade acute rejection episodes in the ELISA-positive group, compared with 36 in the ELISA-negative group (p < 0.0001). The ELISA-positive patients required a greater intensity of immunosuppressive therapy. The patients with ELISA-detected anti-HLA antibodies were at least 3-fold more likely to develop high-grade acute rejection and persistent-recurrent acute rejection, and 7-fold more likely to develop multiple episodes of persistent-recurrent acute rejection, compared with ELISA-negative patients.
Conclusions: ELISA-based screening for the development of HLA antibodies is a reliable method that can identify lung transplant recipients at increased risk for high-grade and persistent-recurrent acute rejection. Although bronchiolitis obliterans appears as a point of no return in the evolution of lung-transplanted patients, early detection of risk factors for acute rejection could indirectly decrease the incidence of bronchiolitis obliterans. These lung-transplanted patients may benefit from an altered strategy of immunosuppression.