This study defines the incidence and recurrence risk of Hodgkin disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) after organ transplant. Patients from the United States with a history of HD or NHL before organ transplantation reported to the Israel Penn International Transplant Tumor Registry from 1968 to 2001 were analyzed. A total of 91 patients underwent organ transplantation with a lymphoma history: HD (38 patients) and NHL (53 patients). Median disease-free interval pretransplant was 99 (range 0-459.1) months, and median follow-up posttransplant was 25.7 (0.4-131.1) months. Ten patients were excluded from further analysis because of lack of follow-up information (n=9) or they never achieved remission (n=1). Recurrence incidence was 8 of 81 patients (10%) (HD=3/34 [9%] vs. NHL=5/47 [11%]). Gender, race, allograft type and source, age at lymphoma diagnosis, and immunosuppression did not influence recurrence. Patients with less than a 2-year period between diagnosis and transplant seem to be at increased risk of relapse. Median disease-free interval before transplant was longer for patients without recurrence (115 vs. 30.2 months, P=0.24), but was not statistically significant. Median time to recurrence posttransplant was 18.7 (range 1.9-82.2) months (HD=3.7 vs. NHL 23.6 months, P=0.10). Survival after recurrence was poor (HD [1/3] and NHL [1/5], median survival 6.8 [range 0-22.1] months). There is no difference in recurrence rates for HD and NHL. The outcome for recurrent lymphoma is poor. The low risk of recurrence (10%) indicates that preexisting HD and NHL need not be an absolute contraindication to transplantation.