Rationale and objectives: We sought to explore the feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate at 3T, with the knowledge of potential drawbacks of MRI at high field strengths.
Material and method: MRI, dynamic MRI, and 1H-MR spectroscopic imaging were performed in 10 patients with prostate cancer on 1.5T and 3T whole-body scanners. Comparable scan protocols were used, and additional high-resolution measurements at 3T were acquired. For both field strengths the signal-to-noise ratio was calculated and image quality was assessed.
Result: At 3T the signal-to-noise ratio improved. This resulted in increased spatial MRI resolution, which significantly improved anatomic detail. The increased spectral resolution improved the separation of individual resonances in MRSI. Contrast-enhanced time-concentration curves could be obtained with a doubled temporal resolution.
Conclusions: Initial results of endorectal 3T 1H-MR spectroscopic imaging in prostate cancer patients showed potential advantages: the increase in spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution at higher field strength may result in an improved accuracy in delineating and staging prostate cancer.