The folding and unfolding kinetics within the transition region were measured for RNase A and for RNase T1. The data were used to evaluate the theoretical models for the influence of prolyl isomerization on the observed folding kinetics. These two proteins were selected, since the folding reaction of RNase A is faster than prolyl isomerization, whereas in RNase T1, folding is slower than isomerization in the transition region. Folding of RNase T1 was investigated for three variants with different numbers of cis prolyl residues. The results indicate that in the transition region the folding rates are indeed strongly dependent on the number of prolyl residues. The variant of RNase T1 that contains only one cis prolyl residue folds about ten times faster than two variants that contain two cis prolyl residues. For both RNase A and RNase T1, the apparent rates of folding and unfolding as well as the corresponding amplitudes depend on the concentration of denaturant in a manner that was predicted by the model calculations. When refolding was started from the fast-folding species, additional kinetic phases could be observed in the transition region for both proteins. The obtained values could be used to calculate the microscopic rate constants of folding and isomerization on the basis of theoretical models.