The body wall muscles in the Drosophila larva arise from interactions between Duf/Kirre and Irregular chiasm C-roughest (IrreC-rst)-expressing founder myoblasts and sticks-and-stones (SNS)-expressing fusion competent myoblasts in the embryo. Herein, we demonstrate that SNS mediates heterotypic adhesion of S2 cells with Duf/Kirre and IrreC-rst-expressing S2 cells, and colocalizes with these proteins at points of cell contact. These properties are independent of their transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, and are observed quite readily with GPI-anchored forms of the ectodomains. Heterotypic interactions between Duf/Kirre and SNS-expressing S2 cells occur more rapidly and to a greater extent than homotypic interactions with other Duf/Kirre-expressing cells. In addition, Duf/Kirre and SNS are present in an immunoprecipitable complex from S2 cells. In the embryo, Duf/Kirre and SNS are present at points of contact between founder and fusion competent cells. Moreover, SNS clustering on the cell surface is dependent on Duf/Kirre and/or IrreC-rst. Finally, although the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of SNS are expendable for interactions in culture, they are essential for fusion of embryonic myoblasts.