Acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenla was diagnosed in four dogs. Initial platelet counts in all four dogs were less than 50,000 x 10(9)/litre and initial bone marrow examinations revealed megakaryocytic hypoplasia with minimal changes in the erythroid and myeloid cell lines. Two dogs had evidence of idiopathic immune-mediated disease and two dogs had evidence of associated infectious disease. One dog had a positive antibody titre to Borrella burgdorferi, and one dog had positive titres to both Ehrlichia canis and B. burgdorferi. Treatment consisted of prednisone and cyclophosphamide for the dogs with presumptive immune-mediated disease, and prednisone and tetracycline for the dogs with positive antibody titres to the Infectious organisms. Both dogs with evidence of associated infectious disease responded to treatment. A postmortem examination did not reveal the underlying aetiology in the two dogs with presumptive idiopathic immune-mediated disease.