Acrosin, an acrosomal serine protease, is believed to have a role in fertilization. The enzyme is synthesized in an enzymatically inactive precursor form, proacrosin, and is processed to enzymatically active form(s). In the studies presented here, maturation-associated changes in the proacrosin-acrosin system of rat spermatozoa are reported. Acid-solubilized components of spermatozoa from caput, corpus, and cauda epididymidis were resolved on gelatin-sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and the proteolytic bands visualized by enzymography. These studies reveal the presence of one form (52 kDa), two forms (52 and 41 kDa), and four forms (52, 41, 34, and 31 kDa) in the spermatozoa from caput, corpus, and cauda, respectively. The findings suggest that the enzymatically inactive high molecular weight component (proacrosin) present in the caput spermatozoa is partially converted to the low molecular weight components (acrosin) during epididymal transit. The sensitivity of these molecular forms to an inhibitor of acrosin, p-nitrophenyl p'-guanidino benzoate (NPGB), and the fact that all four forms cross-reacted with the antibody against guinea pig testis proacrosin, suggest that these molecular forms are proacrosin-acrosin components. To understand the mechanism of the changes in molecular forms, spermatozoa from caput, corpus, and cauda regions were subjected to in vitro activation, and the acid-solubilized components resolved on gelatin-SDS-polyacrylamide gel. A smaller component of 34 kDa was generated from both the caput and corpus spermatozoa. No changes in the molecular form(s) of cauda spermatozoa were observed, even after in vitro activation for 4 hours. Inclusion of NPGB during in vitro activation blocked generation of the new molecular form from the caput spermatozoa. These studies indicate that intra-acrosomal events during epididymal transit may be important in the production of functionally mature spermatozoa.