Despite extensive study of human adenovirus type 5 E1A, surprisingly little is known about the E1A proteins of other adenoviruses. We report here a comprehensive analysis of the sequences of 34 E1A proteins. These represent all six primate adenovirus subgroups and include all human representatives of subgroups A, C, E, and F, eight from subgroup B, nine from subgroup D, and seven simian adenovirus E1A sequences. We observed that many, but not all, functional domains identified in human adenovirus type 5 E1A are recognizably present in the other E1A proteins. Importantly, we identified highly conserved sequences without known activities or binding partners, suggesting that previously unrecognized determinants of E1A function remain to be uncovered. Overall, our analysis forms a solid foundation for future study of the activities and features of the E1A proteins of different serotypes and identifies new avenues for investigating E1A function.