Woodchuck is an important animal model for studying human hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Within the cytokine network, interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays an important role in immune responses that may lead to viral clearance. To further understand woodchuck IL-6 biology, we cloned and characterized the IL-6 gene from white blood cells. The complete woodchuck IL-6 gene is about 7 kb and consists of five exons and four introns. The IL-6 gene organization of the woodchuck is similar to those of the human, rat, and mouse. Also several elements are highly conserved in the 300 bp promoter region of the IL-6 gene, including a nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) binding site. The woodchuck IL-6 gene encodes a polypeptide of 207 amino acids in a precursor form and 189 amino acids in the mature form. The expressed protein was 23 kDa according to SDS-PAGE. To demonstrate biologic activity, we expressed woodchuck IL-6 and showed that the purified recombinant protein induced terminal differentiation, as reflected by upregulation of Fcgamma receptor expression, and substantially inhibited proliferation of M1 cells, a murine myeloid leukemia cell line. The inhibitory effect of woodchuck IL-6 on M1 cells was blocked by an anti-gp130 monoclonal antibody, suggesting that woodchuck IL-6 activity is specifically mediated by signaling through the IL-6 receptor complex. Cloning of the woodchuck IL-6 gene and demonstrating biologic activity of the gene product will facilitate studies of human hepatitis B virus using the woodchuck model.