Purpose: To report breakage of a 25-gauge vitreous cutter during vitreous surgery.
Design: Interventional case report.
Methods: A 60-year-old woman was referred for management of an epiretinal membrane at the macula. Visual acuity was 20/100 in the affected left eye. Vitreous surgery using a 25-gauge vitrectomy system was carried out with a combination of conventional cataract surgery.
Results: The vitreous cutter was lodged within the sclerotomy cannula after peripheral vitrectomy and was pulled together with the cannula. The cannula was reinserted by trocar, but as the floating peeled epiretinal membrane was dissected with the vitreous cutter, the tip of the cutter was broken and was aspirated with the membrane. Stereoscopic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the edge that had broken at the cutter port was smooth.
Conclusion: Although 25-gauge instruments remain useful, care should be taken against rare surgical complications related to their fragility.