Objective: To study the feasibility of second- and third-trimester termination of pregnancy (TOP) with complete placenta previa, and the impact of performing feticide before labor induction on maternal hemorrhagic morbidity.
Patients and methods: From 1987 to 2002, the databases of two referral hospitals were reviewed. We identified 15 cases of second- or third-trimester TOP in women with complete placenta previa. Feticide was performed 2-14 days before induction in 6/15 cases. Cervical ripening was achieved in 8 cases by mifepristone alone (n = 2) or by mifepristone and dilapan (n = 6). Labor was induced by vaginal gemeprost (n = 2), intramuscular (n = 5) or intravenous (n = 4) sulprostone, vaginal misoprostol (n = 1) or a combination of misoprostol and sulprostone (n = 3). Hemorrhage was defined by the need for transfusion. The difference between the preoperative and the lowest per- or postoperative maternal hemoglobin level was also analyzed.
Results: Of the 9 women who underwent labor induction without previous feticide, 4 required blood transfusions, 1 of whom had a hemostat hysterectomy. The mean hemoglobin difference was 2.5 g/dl (range: 0.5-5.3). None of the 6 patients with preinduction feticide required transfusion. The hemoglobin difference was significantly smaller in this group than in terminations without previous feticide (mean: 1.0 g/dl ; range: 0.1-2.2; p = 0.03).
Conclusion: In cases with complete placenta previa, second- or third-trimester TOP is feasible. It carries a substantial risk of hemorrhage that might be decreased by preinduction feticide.
2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.