Infections of the skin or subcutis of the naso-ocular region develop through two mechanisms. Cases with lesions but without concomitant signs of nasal disease probably result from cat scratch injuries. Under certain circumstances, such lacerations result in the introduction of saprophytic microorganisms in such large numbers that host defence mechanisms are overwhelmed. This results in localised, variably invasive, disease in an otherwise immunocompetent host. An unpredictable range of organisms can give rise to such infections including a variety of fungal and bacterial genera. Causal organisms will likely vary from one geography to another as a result of differences in soil type and related environmental factors. Accordingly, procurement of appropriate tissue specimens for culture and susceptibility testing is essential to guide therapy, as these cases require medical and sometimes surgical intervention in order to effect a favourable outcome. In contrast, patients with naso-ocular lesions and concurrent signs of nasal disease have a different pathogenesis. Primary infection of the sinonasal region likely results from the inhalation of infectious propagules, with the infection subsequently penetrating overlying bones to invade the subcutaneous space. These lesions are typically the result of cryptococcosis or aspergillosis and must be distinguished from invasive nasal malignancies. An approach to the investigation and treatment of these patients is presented together with photographs of representative cases.