Introduction: The culture of the appraisal was introduced in the Italian Universities only five years ago and the collected data come from the evaluation nuclei in the university on the basis of grills structured, proposed from the national Observatory for the Appraisal, where data are dealt in comparative key.
Materials and methods: The Medicine faculty of the University Campus Bio Medico every year carries out an evaluation survey where the judgments from the students are compared with their didactic results. We utilise questionnaires to both inquire into the quality of the logistic and organizational aspects and into the didactic teacher competences and tutors, taking them in consideration singularly and as a whole, through the integrated course's analysis.
Results: This study represents one further development regarding those already published in the previous years, because it compares every teacher's results of the last the five years and every student's academic career from the first moment the student entered into the faculty. The two evaluative lines have been discussed in meetings with students, teacher and administrative staff.
Conclusions: From the quantitative type of data gained through questionnaires, through the curves of performance of the students and through the interpretation that are in question observations for the improvement of the didactic quality are obtained.