Introduction: A loop ileostomy is a suitable procedure for faecal diversion. A number of technical improvements and advancement in stoma management have made its creation a suitable alternative to a loop colostomy. We describe an alternative technique for securing a loop ileostomy and perform a retrospective review of this technique.
Patients & method: 40 patients who had a loop ileostomy performed as part of an abdominal procedure were reviewed. The loop of ileum was secured to the stoma site with a novel 'suture bridge' technique.
Results: 32 patients had the stoma formed to protect a distal anastomosis, 6 to palliate bowel obstruction, 1 to control faecal incontinence and another for colonic Crohn's disease. There were no incidences of paralytic ileus, mechanical obstruction, prolapse, retraction or bleeding after the loop ileostomies were formed. Thirty patients had their ileostomies closed. In 27 patients this was performed by excising the muco-cutaneous edge and anterior closure. Three patients had their stomas resected and an end-to-end bowel anastomoses. Following closure there were two complications in separate patients--self-limiting paralytic ileus and small bowel obstruction at the site of the stomal closure that required a second operation. There were no incidences of anastomotic leaks or bleeding in patients who had their ileostomy closed. No mortalities were attributed to either stoma formation or closure.
Conclusion: We have described a safe alternative technique for securing a loop ileostomy with negligible complications in construction and closure as demonstrated in our results.